
Polish Esoteric Traditions 1890–1939. Selected Issues

36,90  (w tym 5% VAT)

ISBN: 978-83-7865-894-8

Rok wydania: 2019

Liczba stron: 346

Format: 130 x 205 mm

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Polish Esoteric Traditions 1890–1939. Selected Issues /

Polskie tradycje ezoteryczne 1890–1939. Wybrane problemy


Autorzy: Agata Świerzowska

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego


In Polish culture too, during the closing decades of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, an increased interest in esoteric traditions was noticeable. Esoteric imports arriving in Poland from various origins were accepted and adapted to local realities. Furthermore, specifically Polish, eclectic visions arose — often constructed on the basis of pre-existing esoteric traditions — and were accompanied by specific actions and organizations of a more or less formal nature. Messianic and romantic themes, at the same time referring to the messages of occultism, shaped Polish esotericism as a synthesis of practices and beliefs of a new spirituality that tied together the concept of new science as well as postulates (often Utopian) of a modern and civil society. In this complex mosaic of cultural phenomena, one should also consider the causes underlying the extraordinary diversity of the esoteric community of those times.



A g a t a Ś w i e r z o w s k a, I z a b e l a T r z c i ń s k a, The Variety

of Polish Esotericism 1890–1939 . . . . . . . . . . 7

A n n a M i k o ł e j k o, Julian Ochorowicz in Search

of the ‘Matrix’ of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

A g a t a Ś w i e r z o w s k a, Józef Świtkowski: Parapsychology

between Science and Scientia Occulta . . . . . . . . 53

A n n a M i k o ł e j k o, Spiritual Revolution in the Design

of Józef Chobot’s Brotherhood of National Revival . . . . 71

A g a t a Ś w i e r z o w s k a, Mieczysław Geniusz: His Quest

for the Spirit of the Nation and the Synthesis

of Esoteric Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

I z a b e l a T r z c i ń s k a, The Mythology of Agnieszka Pilchowa . 96

I z a b e l a T r z c i ń s k a, Wanda Dynowska in the Testimonies

of Other Female Theosophists . . . . . . . . . . 117

D i a n a O b o l e ń s k a, M o n i k a R z e c z y c k a, Rudolf Steiner

and His Polish Emissaries: Tadeusz Rychter and Other

Anthroposophists from Poland . . . . . . . . . . 138

M o n i k a R z e c z y c k a, K a r o l i n a M a r i a H e s s, Slavic

Hyperboreans, Vegetarianism, and Occultism:

Konstanty Moes-Oskragiełło’s Theories on the Sound State

of a Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

M o n i k a R z e c z y c k a, P r z e m y s ł a w S i e r a d z a n,

Błażej Włodarz: A Proponent of Reconciliation . . . . . 176

J a r o s ł a w To m a s i e w i c z, P r z e m y s ł a w S i e r a d z a n,

Włodzimierz Tarło-Maziński: Occultist Individualist . . . 198

Ta d e u s z C e g i e l s k i , Andrzej Strug: A Freemason

without Illusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

U r s z u l a P a t o c k a – S i g ł o w y, Polish Esoteric Press

and Book Publications in the Years 1890–1939 . . . . . 254

Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331


W naszej ofercie posiadamy pozostałe tomy z tej serii, które są do nabycia i które można kupować pojedynczo lub w komplecie wszystkie pięć tomów – wówczas z dodatkowym rabatem. Zapraszamy do zakupów. Seria obejmuje:

Polskie Tradycje Ezoteryczne 1890–1939. Tom I. Teozofia i antropozofia

Polskie Tradycje Ezoteryczne 1890–1939. Tom II. Formacje, ludzie, idee

–  Polskie Tradycje Ezoteryczne 1890–1939. Tom III. Masoneria

Polskie Tradycje Ezoteryczne 1890–1939. Tom IV. Źródła i dokumenty

Polish Esoteric Traditions 1890–1939. Selected Issues

W komplecie:

Polskie Tradycje Ezoteryczne 1890–1939 – tomy I – V