
Identities in Transition. Religion, Gender, Locality, Ethnicity

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ISBN: 978-83-8206-006-5

Rok wydania: 2019

Liczba stron: 202

Format: A5


Identities in Transition. Religion, Gender, Locality, Ethnicity

Autorzy: Magdalena Grabowska, Piotr Kallas, Seán Moran

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego


The present monograph is an academic endeavour to delineate a variety of depictions in relation to the universal and all-encompassing notion of identity which defines who we are and what qualities we possess. At the same time these properties which determine who we are help us distinguish from each other.



Preface • 7

Chapter 1

Religious Identity in the Narratives

of Non-Normative People in Poland – Interview-Based Study • 15

Chapter 2

The Armchair Flâneur: Peter Ackroyd’s Imaginative Explorations

of Bygone London’s Complex Urban Identity • 51

Chapter 3

A Tale of Two Cities: Louis Aragon and Virginia Woolf

Walk the Streets of Interwar Paris and London • 111

Chapter 4

Francis Sheehy Skeffington’s Pacifist Battle

for a New Irish Identity • 167

Chapter 5

The Denial of Female Self-Identity

in Selected Works by H.G. Wells • 187