
ENGLISH COURSEBOOK for Marine Engineering Students

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Wydanie: I
Rok wydania: 2016
ISBN: 978-83-7421-263-2
Liczba stron: 224


ENGLISH COURSEBOOK for Marine Engineering Students

Autorzy: Małgorzata Ossowska-Neumann, Edyta Żurawska

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni


Podręcznik do nauki języka angielskiego Małgorzaty Ossowskiej-Neumann i Edyty Żurawskiej „English Coursebook for Marine Engineering” jest przydatny nie tylko dla studentów. Każdy z sześciu rozdziałów zawiera m.in. ćwiczenia, pytania i odpowiedzi, materiał gramatyczny, rysunki i słowniczek. Książka stanowi więcej niż kompendium wiedzy o statku i siłowni w języku angielskim niezbędnej w pracy na zagranicznych statkach.




1. Freshman Maritime Student . 7

2. Maritime Alphabet …..…. 8

3. Description of a Ship 9

4. Ship Parts …... 10

5. Hull Lines and Tonnage Terms …... 12

6. Ship Crew …. 13

7. Ship Familiarization Chart …. 15

8. Types of Ships …. 16

9. Revision of Tenses…... 22

10. Properties of Materials …. 23

11. Metals and Alloys …... 25

12. Tests on Materials…. 27

13. Metal Working Processes…. 30

14. Verbs Used In Engineering …….. 37

15. Stop and Check I …... 38

Glossary I…. 40


1. Tools……. 41

2. Imperative Form: Do it! Let’s do it! .…. 48

3. Units….…. 49

4. Types of Diesel Engines….... 50

5. TwoStroke and FourStroke Cycle .. 52

6. Basic Engine Parts…... 54

6.1. Pistons and Piston Rings….. 59

6.2. Crankshaft vs Camshaft .. 60

6.3. Engine Parts Revision Exercises….. 61

7. Engine Parameters …….. 65

8. Passive Voice 70

9. Operating Instruction and Ship Reports Excerpts …. 72

10. Stop and Check II.. 74

Glossary II.. 76


1. Bearings 77

2. Pipes and Fittings….... 80

3. Adjectives ending in: ing and ed .. 87

4. Valves…….. 88

5. Past Simple vs Past Continuous ….…. 95

6. Pumps Classification, Application and Operation .. 96

7. Passive Voice ….. 102

8. Biological Sewage Treatment Plant…... 104

9. Conditional I …. 110

10. Stop and Check III….. 111

Glossary III…. 112


1. Marine Fuel Types and Their Properties …. 113

1.1. Fuel Quality Report .. 116

2 Simple Past vs Present Perfect vs Present Continuous…... 117

3. Fuel System .. 118

3.1. Bunkering Checklist….... 120

3.2. SMCP Engine Room Commands in Bunkering…. 123

4. Fuel Oil Treatment Plant .. 124

4.1. Dismantling Instruction Excerpt …... 129

5. Marine Incinerator …. 130

6. Conditional Sentences . 133

7 Safe Working Practices.
Safety in the Engine Room .. 135
8. Opinion Phrases . 138

9. Standard Marine Communication Phrases ... 139

10. Reported Speech Orders ... 141

11. International Safety Management….. 142

12. Competence Test Tasks Examples…... 144

13. Stop and Check IV .. 145

Glossary IV ….. 146


1. Onboard Apprenticeship…... 147

2. Fresh Water Generator …... 151

3. Boilers….... 156

3.1. Auxiliary Steam Boiler Installation …. 157

3.2. Boiler Operation and Maintenance ..…. 160

4. Professional Passive.. 162

5. Oily Water Separator.. 163

5.1. OWS Operating Requirements .. 166

6. Modal Verbs…. 170

7. Electrical Matters…….. 172

7.1. ‘Beware Loose Electrical Connections’ MAIB Report.. 173

7.2. Electrical Wires and Fittings .... 175

8. Past Simple vs Past Perfect Simple . 176

9. Reporting Incidents and Malfunctions .... 177

10. SMCP Vocabulary Exercises…... 179

11. Reported Speech Statements .. 180

12. Stop and Check V 181

Glossary V .. 182


1. Steering Process…... 183

1.1. Steering Gear…... 184

2. Controllable Pitch Propeller. 189

2.1. ‘Uncontrollable Pitch Propeller’ MAIB Report…. 192

3. Cover Letter and CV …... 194

4. Short Grammar Revision….... 196

5. Job Interview…... 198

5.1. Interview Questions.. 201

6. Work Permits For Special Conditions ….. 203

7. Maintenance and Troubleshooting …... 205

7.1. Fault Chart …. 210

8. Modals Expressing Possibility in the Past …... 212

9. Thesis Abstract Vocabulary.. 213

10. Final Stop and Check….. 214

Glossary VI .... 222