
Educational Role of Language Skills

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ISBN: 978-83-7865-719-4

Rok wydania: 2018

Liczba stron: 200

Format: 165 x 225 mm

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Educational Role of Language Skills

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego

Autorzy: Michał Daszkiewicz, Ryszard Wenzel, Monika Kusiak-Pisowacka


The book serves the following aims:

  • to bridge the gap between the linguistic and educational studies on the level of the four traditionally recognised language skills;
  • to outline different – maybe even partially clashing – perspectives on the relationship between general education and language education;
  • to relate to the wider context of the educational role of language by references made to multiple activities undertaken in cooperation with lin-guistics and educational scientists from all over the globe;
  • to discuss the educational role of language skills as the second natu-ral step of addressing the language-pedagogy relationship, whereby the book needs to be regarded as a continuation of an earlier publication de-lineating the scope of linguistically-pedagogical studies.

Table of contents


Part 1

Section 1. Education through the prism of four language skills

1. Specificity and expansion of the glottodidactic paradigm

2. Education through the prism of language reception

3. Education through the prism of language production

4. Language-grounded multi-directional education

Section 2. Genuine and artificial language interaction in general education

1. Language and the learning processes

2. Genuine and artificial language interaction in the classroom

3. The cognitive appeal and genuine language interaction

4. Conclusion

Part 2

Skill 1. Learn to listen, listen to learn

1. Introduction

2. Learning to listen, listening to learn from various standpoints

3. Developing listening-and-learning skills

4. Instructional issues

5. Listening to learn – intercultural approach

6. Summary and conclusion

Skill 2. Learn to read, read to learn

1. Introduction

2. Learning to read and reading to learn in various theoretical perspectives

3. Developing reading skills as a goal in school education and life-long learning

4. Learning to read and reading to learn – focus on instruction

5. Reading to learn – various instructional approaches

6. Summary and conclusion

Skill 3. Learn to speak, speak to learn

1. Introduction

2. Speak to learn

3. Learn to speak

4. Conclusions

Skill 4. Learn to write and write to learn

1. Introduction

2. Learn to write

3. Write to learn

4. Conclusion

Works cited


Appendix 1. International association

for the educational role of language – our “linguistic turn”

ERL Association – aspirations

ERL Association – projects

Appendix 2. International association

for the educational role of language – its relevant scope

ERL Association’s Area 1: Language beliefs concerning language skills

ERL Association’s Area 2: Language activity involving language skills

ERL Association’s Area 3: Language experience within language skills

ERL Association’s Area 4: Language matrices supporting language skills

Subject index